
At Lone Peak, we believe that damages are most reliably measured when they have been considered at every stage of the litigation process. As such, we offer assistance from the initial filing of the suit through the final outcome. Specifically, we can help with discovery requests, deposition preparation, and trial demonstrative creation, among others. We also are able to actively assist in alternative dispute resolution methods.
With our experience and education, Lone Peak provides services that are cost effective and provide significant value.
Commercial Litigation
Lone Peak provides damage expert witness services in commercial litigation engagements involving claims of Lost Profits, Fraud, Breach of Contract, Purchase Price Disputes, Business Interruption, and Construction Disputes, among others.
personal injury
The professionals at Lone Peak Valuation have been engaged in hundreds of cases to analyze and compute damages related to lost earnings and fringe benefits, future medical expenses, loss of household services, saved personal consumption, and care gratuitously rendered.
Our engagements have involved the analysis of many wage loss claims from a wide variety of professions and pay structures.
Financial matters are among the most contentious issues in divorce cases. These issues can range from a simple identification of marital assets, to complex tracing of hidden or separate property assets. At its most basic level, the financial aspect of a divorce comes down dividing marital assets and liabilities, and determining income for support purposes. Some of the services Lone Peak Valuation Group can provide include: business valuations, option valuations, identification of marital assets, searching for hidden assets, dissipation analysis, separate property identification and tracing, income and cash flow analysis for support purposes, marital lifestyle calculations, asset return calculations, and asset allocation consulting. Whether in an adversarial litigation setting, a collaborative environment or acting as a court appointed expert, professionals have extensive experience providing the analysis and calculations necessary to address the financial questions and issues that arise in divorce.
intellectual property
Our professionals at Lone Peak have extensive experience in calculating and presenting damages related to intellectual property infringement matters. Lone Peak has provided expert testimony in patent, trademark, copyright, and trade secret infringement matters. In addition, one of our principals co-authored a book describing the appropriate methods to calculate damages in intellectual property disputes.
Our intellectual property services include the measure of economic damages, writing Rule 26 expert reports, offering expert witness testimony, and performing intellectual property valuations. Our professionals have worked on more than 100 IP engagements which has given us unique experience in measuring lost profit, unjust enrichment, and reasonable royalty damages.
shareholder / partnership disputes
Valuations may be required for IRS reporting purposes when a business owner transfers an ownership to another individual, entity, trust, or charitable organization. Reasonable and supportable valuations are critical when facing a potential challenge by the IRS. Our experience as expert witnesses in litigation matters allows us to recognize the areas where valuations are frequently challenged and helps us perform the valuation in a manner that will prepare us if the IRS audits a valuation used for tax purposes.